
Sheriff Ed Gonzalez

The Mission of the Harris County Sheriff's Office is
"To enhance the safety and protect the trust of the citizens of Harris County by enforcing the law with integrity and professionalism."

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez



The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is working diligently to maintain a high level of public service during the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Ensuring the public safety – including the safety of Sheriff’s Office employees and the inmates entrusted into our care – is our top priority. Click here to view answers to frequently asked questions about how COVID-19 is impacting Sheriff’s Office operations.



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As a local government agency, employing more than fifty (50) persons and having received at least one single grant award of $500,000.00 or greater from the U.S. Department of Justice, subject to the authority of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office is required to submit a biennial Equal Employment Opportunity Plan Utilization Report to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

An Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Utilization Report is a comprehensive document that analyzes a recipient's relevant labor market data, as well as the recipient's employment practices, to identify possible barriers to the participation of women and minorities in all levels of a recipient's workforce. Its purpose is to ensure the opportunity for full and equal participation of men and women in the workplace, regardless of race, color, or national origin.


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The Fugitives featured within this publication are wanted by area law enforcement. If you have additional information on the location of any these fugitives, please call Crime Stoppers Anonymous Reward Hotline 713-222-TIPS.

Anthony Scott MOSER
White / Male
06/04/1962, 5'9"
Warrant #: 1662820
Poss W/Intent to Promote Child Pornography (X5), Poss Child Pornography (X5)
Arnold Emmanuel CASTILLO-SOSA
White / Male
09/30/1994, 5'10"
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Tavish Rashad MCKINLEY
No Picture Available
Black / Male
11/25/1991, -
Warrant #: 1554621
Jonathan C. Quezada BELTRAN
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09/03/1988, 5'8"
Warrant #: 1665176
Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child
No Picture Available
Black / Male
11/26/1994, 5'7"
Warrant #: 1647464
Aggravated Assault - Deadly Weapon

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    Annual Firearm & Taser Registration.

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    The HCSO Academy is certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and abides by its rules.

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    The Harris County Sheriff’s Deputies has recorded forty-five (45) officers that have been killed or lost their lives in the line of duty.

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    Users can learn more about individual inmates, their condition and status.

  • Permits


    To assist and support the men and women of the Harris County Sheriff's Office in carrying out their law enforcement mandates.

  • Permits

    Mental Health

    Information on the Sheriff’s initiatives to address mental health and jail diversion.

  • Ordinances and Permits

    Ordinances and Permits

    Harris County Sheriff's Office Citizens Online Police Reporting System

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    Procedures for 68-A Inspections

    The Harris County Sheriff’s Office Auto Theft Section ONLY conducts these inspections for Harris County residents.

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    Harris County Sheriff's Office Citizens is authorized to enforce these rules

  • Inmate info


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  • HCSO Youth

    Youth Programs

    The Explorer program lets young adults explore a career in law enforcement.

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    Missing Persons

    Information regarding missing children, missing adults, and how to file a report.

  • Permits


    Users can learn more about specific requirements for various businesses.


The Harris County Sheriff's Office, founded in 1837, is the largest sheriff's office in Texas and the third largest in the United States. The HCSO has over 4600 employees and 200 reservists dedicated to ensuring the safety of over 4.1 million residents who call Harris County home. Harris County encompasses 1788 square miles (1729 land) and includes forty-one incorporated municipalities.


Merit and maintain the public’s trust.
Embrace and deliver professional service.
Protect our citizens with honor and courage.
Exemplify ethical conduct at all times.
Develop, encourage, and care for our Sheriff’s Office family.


1200 Baker Street
Houston, TX 77002
Emergency: 911
Non Emergency: (713) 221-6000
Inmate Information: (713) 755-5300
Information Line: (713) 755-6044

HCSO Employee Only

COVID-19 Employee Information

Extra-Employment Log-In

Annual Firearm & Taser Registration

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